Herrania nitida

Organism Details
Common Name Cocoa out-group
Genus Herrania
Species nitida
Abbreviation H.nitida
Cocoa is a fruit tree that has particular economic importance for the humid tropical countries where it is cultivated. After fermentation, drying and roasting, the beans are used to make chocolate. Cocoa is often cultivated under a forest canopy and in small plantations, which also means that it helps maintain biodiversity and respect the environment.

Life span Perennial
Mating system Allogamy
Number of chromosomes 2n = 20
Sequenced accession


The following files are available for download:

Herrania nitida (GFF3 format) KB1_Herrania.gff
Herrania nitida (FASTA format) Abyss_Cap3_KB1_250.fasta

Functional annotations

Blast vs UniProt SwissProt (XML format) KB1_SP.xml
Blast vs UniProt TrEMBLE (XML format) KB1_TR.xml
Blast vs NCBI nr (XML format) KB1_NR.xml
Blast vs nt (XML format) KB1_NT.xml
Blast vs Arabidopsis Thaliana (XML format) KB1_arabido.xml
Blast vs Rice (XML format) KB1_rice.xml
Blast2Go Abyss_Cap3_KB1_250.4b2g.xml.annot
Prot4EST KB1_translations_xtn.fsa
Data Type Summary
The following data types are currently present for this organism
Feature Type Count
gene 19,811
CDS 19,811
three_prime_UTR 17,666
five_prime_UTR 15,646
Feature Browser
The following browser provides a quick view for new visitors. Use the searching mechanism to find specific features.
Feature Name Unique Name Type
Contig10146 Contig10146 gene
Contig10147 Contig10147 gene
Contig10148 Contig10148 gene
Contig10149 Contig10149 gene
Contig1015 Contig1015 gene
Contig10150 Contig10150 gene
Contig10151 Contig10151 gene
Contig10152 Contig10152 gene
Contig10153 Contig10153 gene
Contig10154 Contig10154 gene