Vitis romanetii

Organism Details
Common Name Grapevine out-group
Genus Vitis
Species romanetii
Abbreviation V.romanetii

Life span Perennial
Mating system Allogamy
Number of chromosomes 2n = 38
Sequenced accession 8065Mtp2


The following files are available for download:

Vitis romanetii (GFF3 format) VB1_VitisRomanetii.gff
Vitis romanetii (FASTA format) Abyss_Cap3_VB1_250.fasta

Functional annotations

Blast vs UniProt SwissProt (XML format) VB1_SP.xml
Blast vs UniProt TrEMBLE (XML format) VB1_TR.xml
Blast vs NCBI nr (XML format) VB1_NR.xml
Blast vs nt (XML format) VB1_NT.xml
Blast vs Arabidopsis Thaliana (XML format) VB1_arabido.xml
Blast vs Rice (XML format) VB1_rice.xml
Blast2Go Abyss_Cap3_VB1_250.4b2g.xml.annot
Prot4EST VB1_translations_xtn.fsa
Feature Browser
The following browser provides a quick view for new visitors. Use the searching mechanism to find specific features.
Feature Name Unique Name Type
Contig10035 Contig10035 gene
Contig10036 Contig10036 gene
Contig10037 Contig10037 gene
Contig10038 Contig10038 gene
Contig10039 Contig10039 gene
Contig1004 Contig1004 gene
Contig10040 Contig10040 gene
Contig10041 Contig10041 gene
Contig10042 Contig10042 gene
Contig10043 Contig10043 gene