Mauritia flexuosa

Organism Details
Common Name Oil palm out-group
Genus Mauritia
Species flexuosa
Abbreviation M.flexuosa
Oil palm is the world's leading oil crop, and is a vital importance for many tropical countries. With some 42 million tonnes produced in 2008, it accounts for more than a third of global vegetable oil production. Its rapid expansion is raising new issues for research, in the fields of agro-ecology, biodiversity management, and human sciences.

Life span Perennial
Mating system Allogamy
Number of chromosomes 30
Sequenced accession Male (French Guyana)


The following files are available for download:

Mauritia flexuosa (GFF3 format) PB3_Mauritia.gff
Mauritia flexuosa (FASTA format) Abyss_Cap3_PB3_250.fasta

Functional annotations

Blast vs UniProt SwissProt (XML format) PB3_SP.xml
Blast vs UniProt TrEMBLE (XML format) PB3_TR.xml
Blast vs NCBI nr (XML format) PB3_NR.xml
Blast vs nt (XML format) PB3_NT.xml
Blast vs Arabidopsis Thaliana (XML format) PB3_arabido.xml
Blast vs Rice (XML format) PB3_rice.xml
Blast2Go Abyss_Cap3_PB3_250.4b2g.xml.annot
Prot4EST PB3_translations_xtn.fsa